Our goal

The Wildlife & Man Association was founded in 2004 to provide joint monitoring of deer species on the three regions of the country. It is composed of scientists and wildlife enthusiasts, amateurs and professionals, hunters or not. In addition to individuals, organizations currently represented are: the Département de l'Etude du Milieu naturel et agricole (DEMNA - DNE - LFSC), the Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO), the Department of Nature and Forest (DNF), Brussels environment (IBGE), the Universities of Liège (ULG) and Louvain (UCL), the Provincial High School of Hainaut Condorcet (HEPHC).

The purpose of Wildlife & Man as described in its statutes is: "the promotion of the acquisition of scientific and technical knowledge in the field of biology and ecology of wildlife, especially game species and the feed-back to relevant circles of knowledge as tools to support their management."

Three principles prevail in this association:

  • To promote scientific research on wildlife,
  • at a national level,
  • by including an applied dimension in accordance with the society requirements.

The main tasks already assigned to Wildlife & Man asbl were:

  • monitoring roe deer by indicators of ecological change (the three regions of the country),
  • monitoring of the peri-urban wild boar (Brussels Region),
  • analyzing the solutions for an improved balance between large game species and the environment and
  • analyzing the organization of hunting associations (Walloon Region).